Svein Tore Dahl (1958-2000)

Historian and Genealogist

Svein Tore Dahl held a master degree in history from Norway's Technical University in Trondheim. He graduated in 1999 with a thesis on the subject of the administrative functions and the recruitment thereto in Trondheim from 1536 to 1660. During his research for the thesis, he assembled sufficient new information about the officials to publish a book on the subject. This book has later been followed up by a couple of others, together covering the officials of Middle and Northern Norway from 1536 to 1700. In addition he published a book on the clergy in the same area and time period.

Read more about Svein Tore Dahl's books.

A support group for Svein Tore Dahls continued research and publications was established in the spring of 2000. The group has now broken up. Read more on this page.