"Hugo Larsen in the Danish West Indies 1904-07"

An illustrated Book

Front cover of the book

"Hugo Larsen in The Danish West Indies 1904-07"
$40 incl. shipment worldwide (plain letter, no tracking)

This book - published in 2006 by Øregaard Museum in connection with the Hugo Larsen exhibition - is the first publication ever in English about the painter Hugo Larsen and his art. The articles have all been written by experts in their respective fields and the book is throroughly illustrated by color reproductions of Hugo Larsen's fantastic paintings and drawings from the Danish West Indies.

The book has the following main contents:

The book is no longer for sale. I still have a couple of copies left. The price is $40 incl. shipment worldwide as an ordinary letter without tracking.


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@ 40 USD including shipment worldwide

The publication of this English book had not been possible without economical support from a number of organisations and private sponsors. A warm thanks goes to Robert M. Lehmkuhl, Konsul Georg Jorck og hustru Emma Jorcks Fond, Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fond and Friends of Øregaard Museum for their valuable contributions.